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MexicanBeef® > NEWS
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    Beef Exporters in Paraguay Brace for Slump From Key Buyer Russia

    Beef exporters from Paraguay, one of the world’s major suppliers, are urgently looking to strengthen existing trade relationships and tap new markets after key buyer Russia banned shipments from several of the South American nation’s meatpacking plants. Click here to read full note:

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    Brazil says China and Indonesia authorize several meatpacking companies for exports

    China has lifted bans on three Brazilian meat packing plants, including two poultry plants and a beef plant, Agriculture Minister Carlos Favaro told reporters on Wednesday. The official further stated that Indonesia authorized 11 Brazilian beef plants to export to the country. He added that Egypt now allows imports of...

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    The superpeso makes Mexican exports more expensive

    A superpeso does not limit Mexico’s trade with the United States and the world, but it does make manufacturing, automotive and agri-food exports more expensive. “Although it is true that such a strong exchange rate makes our exports more expensive, the exchange rate is free and in some way...

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    Effects of the drought: meat production grew by more than 5% in 2022 and consumption had a slight rebound

    According to a report from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Meat and Derivatives of the Argentine Republic (CICCRA), the production of beef increased by 5.1% in 2022, reaching 3.13 million tons, and the slaughter of cattle grew 3.9% year-on-year to 13.5 million head. In addition to all this, during December domestic consumption reached 47.2 kilos per...

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    Mexico imposes a 50% tariff on corn exports to control the price

    The Mexican Government will apply from this Tuesday a 50% tariff on the export of white corn, according to the decree published last night in the Official Gazette of the Federation. The measure, which only affects white flour corn intended for human consumption, aims to help contain the increase in...

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    Demand influences

    In 2023 US consumers can anticipate greater availability of pork, broiler meat and turkey but less beef, which they will have to pay more for than last year. Demand for all proteins will largely depend on consumer concerns about inflation and whether the US economy has moved into a...

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    The Government authorized the commercialization of meat by half beef but prohibited the “hombreo”

    The media res novel adds a new chapter and everything suggests that it will not be the last. The national government decided yesterday to modify a series of resolutions that establish the obligatory nature of chopping beef into pieces that cannot exceed 32 kilos for its sale to butcher shops and retail outlets,...

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    Why will China import more red meat and pork in 2023?

    According to the USDA, imports of beef and pork will increase this year in the Asian country, while those of chicken will decrease. Considering that China’s meat import figures for Q4 2022 were stronger than expected, the 2023 beef and pork import forecasts are reported to be higher and higher...

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  • 17

    Bovine and buffalo slaughter falls according to data until November 2022

    The slaughter of bovines continued its downward trend one month before the end of 2022, with a drop of 6.1% compared to 2021 and one of 9.2% compared to 2019. Throughout this year, the benefit with destination for export was the hardest hit, with a decrease of more than...

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    China’s ban on Canadian beef remains

    It’s been more than a year since China imposed a ban on Canadian beef imports following a case of atypical BSE in a central Alberta cow and there are no signs as to when it might be lifted. Unlike the classic variant of the neurological disorder, which is largely...

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