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MexicanBeef® > NEWS
  • 05


    U.S. meat export sales were strong during the week ending August 24th. The USDA says export sales of beef and pork were both quite a bit larger than average, with China leading the way on beef and Mexico taking the top slot for pork. New crop corn export sales...

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  • 05

    Uruguay to resume meat exports to Mexico

    Uruguay announced the resumption of meat exports to Mexico after three years, with 22 slaughterhouses authorized to sell beef and sheep meat to that country for the next two years, it was reported in Montevideo. Mexico’s National Service of Agrifood Health, Safety, and Quality (Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad...

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  • 31

    China chicken meat production forecast to decline in 2024 – USDA

    According to a recent US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN report) report, chicken meat production is forecast to decline from both white broiler and yellow broiler in 2024 due to import constraints the People’s Republic of China (PRC) placed on avian genetics and related materials for...

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  • 31

    Farmers are breeding heat-resistant cows

    A natural mutation found in Puerto Rican dairy cows might keep them healthier in extreme heat. This article originally appeared in Nexus Media News and Ambrook Research. At Vaqueria El Remanso, a small dairy farm west of San Juan, Puerto Rico, the cows are different—they have a freshly shaven, suave look. Their short...

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  • 31

    Governments of Canada and Manitoba investing up to $2.85 million for Manitoba Beef and Forage Initiatives

    The governments of Canada and Manitoba are investing up to $2.85 million over the next five years for Manitoba Beef and Forage Initiatives (MBFI) through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) in southwestern Manitoba. “The Manitoba Beef and Forage Initiatives play an important role in peer-to-peer knowledge sharing...

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  • 31


    An ag economist says he’s cautiously optimistic about domestic demand for US pork products in 2024. Glynn Tonsor with K-State says demand has pulled back this year with the biggest impact on pork chops. “This is not a signal that consumers don’t want meat protein. That’s actually an inaccurate...

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  • 29

    S.Korea exports Hanwoo beef to Cambodia for 1st time

    This export succeeds after eight years of quarantine negotiations, promising to expand premium Korean beef into SE Asia. The premium Korean beef Hanwoo was exported to Cambodia on Monday for the first time, marking the culmination of eight years of quarantine negotiations that began in 2015.According to the South...

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  • 29

    Taiwan agrees to fully open to Canadian beef imports ahead of trade deal

    TAIPEI, June 15 (Reuters) – Taiwan’s government on Thursday agreed to fully open its market to imports of Canadian beef, lifting a stumbling block as Taipei angles to sign a bilateral investment agreement with Ottawa this year. Taiwan had previously banned imports of Canadian beef slaughtered more than 30...

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  • 29

    Beef on Dairy Brings New Value to the Marketplace

    The U.S. beef cow herd reached its lowest level in decades this summer as prolonged drought conditions in major cattle producing regions led producers to aggressively cull their herds. The sharp reduction in beef cow numbers will tighten supplies for years to come, while consumer demand for beef has...

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  • 29

    Cattle numbers hit lowest since 2014

    Beef cattle inventories in the United States are at record low numbers, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture report issued in July. The USDA’s cattle inventory report, released each July, gives a snapshot of the cattle industry on a national scale. A similar report, released each January, brexaks...

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