
TPP 11: Bovine meat producers advance improvements in the Chilean market

The president of the National Federation of Bovine Cattle Producers of Chile (FEDECARNE FG), Ignacio Besoain, said in an interview with the newspaper La Tribuna that “without a doubt, it is of great importance that the TPP-11 treaty be formalized. As a primary sector, everything that means improving tariff conditions to have new and better cattle export options (dressed and live) as well as the import of inputs for our industry, will generate a positive impact on our sector.” “Currently processed meat exports have concentrated on the Chinese market, but we believe that as a country we have attributes that allow us to reach other markets and with this treaty we could consider them as new attractions,” said the union leader.

Click here to read full note: https://www.latribuna.cl/agroforestal/2023/02/28/tpp-11-productores-de-carne-de-ganado-bovino-adelantan-mejoras-en-el-mercado-chileno.html