The exporting refrigerators will request the end of the obstacles to sell meat abroad
Beef exporters know that the Government will continue to ban seven popular cuts that cannot be placed abroad and, given this situation, they will request a “flexibility” of sales for the rest of the meat.
This was expressed by Mario Ravettino, president of the ABC Meat Exporters Consortium, a chamber that brings together companies that account for 95% of beef exports. Last week, the ABC held a protocol meeting with the new Secretary of Agriculture, Juan José Bahillo, while another meeting is expected in the next few days to raise more issues of interest for the activity.

Click here to read full note: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/economia/campo/ganaderia/los-frigorificos-exportadores-pediran-el-fin-de-las-trabas-para-vender-carne-al-exterior-nid16082022/
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