Chile: Beef exports grow 49% between January and September 2022
The Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (Odepa) published a new edition of the Meat Bulletin, in which it was noted that beef exports showed a 49% increase in the period January-September 2022, equivalent to a total of 19,684 tons. In its breakdown, and considering the countries of destination of Chilean meat products, China was the main buyer, acquiring 18,093 tons in the analyzed time window, which represented a decrease of 57.9%. The foregoing totaled a value of thousands of USD FOB of 95,977, presenting a positive inter-annual variation of 105%.

Click here to read full note: https://portalportuario.cl/chile-exportaciones-de-carne-bovina-crecen-49-entre-enero-y-septiembre-de-2022/
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