
Bill regulates the production, labeling and marketing of marinated meats.

The motion, sponsored by Senators Karim Bianchi, Juan Luis Castro and Francisco Chahuán, regulates the production, labeling and marketing of marinated meats. The authors of the project point out that in Chile the consumption of meat per capita is around 80 kilos a year, a figure that is among the highest in the world.

The concept of marinated meat in our legal system is as follows: “that meat from poultry that, by injection or other appropriate method, has been added with brine, marinades and permitted food additives.” They warn that this definition makes an expository description of the generic components of the marinade, however, there is no percentage that limits the amount of marinade that such meats can have.

Click here to read full note: https://www.diarioconstitucional.cl/2022/08/31/proyecto-de-ley-regula-la-produccion-etiquetado-y-comercializacion-de-carnes-marinadas/